Rob's Crazy Emporium

Hello, welcome to my page.  This page will be updated infrequently, so don't come back.  Just kidding, come back when you've exhausted all possible alternatives!


I'm currently working at BCE Emergis (, as a Support Specialist (interesting title no?).  I'm working nights (12am - 8am EST for those interested), during the week.  Feel free to give me a call (514 487-3750 x 4703), email (, ICQ (13093017) or catch me by Microsoft Instant Messenger (


If you absolutely must, you can try calling me at home (bah! good luck! 514 525-4938) or when I get my butt in gear and fix my pager you can try that (514 599-4937).  For all you freaks still living in the past, my snailmail address is:

2021A Hogan Ave

Montreal, QC

H3K 2S9


At the moment, I'm single (woohoo!), and completely addicted to an MMORPG.  Sounds kinky eh?  It's actually a massively multiplayer online role-playing game called Everquest.  Kinda like that D&D crap I used to play, but with 100,000 people, and pretty graphics.  The better half of my time is spent playing my level 45 (you are supposed to be impressed) cleric with the friends I've made online, and while I'm at work I spend my free time posting messages on the EQ messageboards.  That's right.  I play the game while at home and talk about it while I'm at work.. crazy...  Maybe I'll post a few screenshots of my game.


Here are a few mugshots courtesy of the RCMP: (kidding mom!)


Here are some links you will most likely never use!


Updated 27 Dec '00